There are some cool lynx here but soon there will be more...

Remember: Dont put body lights up your nose
New Cool Lynx...
Boy Meets Boy
A kick-ass comic about 2 gay guys! Its kinda like the gay odd couple, only sexier!
Jenny's Site
This is Jenny's site, check it out cuz its cool!!
Angie's Site
This is Angie's site, it is also cool, so you should check it out also.
More Cool Links!
The home of the coolest comic ever!
Baby Blues At SF Gate
A new Baby Blues comic, up to date, every day!
For Better Or For Worse
The second best comic ever, see it here updated every day!
A great source for Harry Potter news!
ZIM Stuff
Still shots from all the Invader Zim episodes.
The Sims
The official site of The Sims, the best game ever made!
Adopt cool online pets, buy them stuff, and take care of them!
Kings Dominion
Stuff about the park!