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The Outer Senshi
These are the outer senshi, they represent the outer planets and are stronget than the inners.

"With The Blessings Of Pluto, The Planet Of The Underworld, The Scout Of Time, I am Sailor Pluto!"
Name: Meiou Setsuna (Trista)
Name Meaning: King of the Dead
Mother Star Castle: Charon Castle Of Pluto
Birthday: October 29
Blood type: A
Favorite color: dark red
Hobby: shopping
Favorite food: Green tea
Least Favorite food: eggplant
Favorite Gem Stone: Garnet
Favorite subject: Physics
Least Favorite subject: Music
Has trouble with: cockroaches
Strong Points: sewing
Dream: to be a fashion designer
Height: 5'6"
Special Item: Tailsman: Time Staff
Special Attack: Pluto Dead Scream
Forbidden Attack: Dark Dome Close (Closes the passage of time)
"With The Blessings Of Uranus, The Planet Of The Wind, The Scout Of The Heavens, I Am Sailor Uranus!"
Name: Ten'ou Haurka (Amara)
Name meaning: Swing Cloud and Sky King
Mother Star Castle: Miranda Castle Of Uranus
Birthday: January 27
Blood type: B
Favorite color: Gold
Hobby: driving
Favorite Food: Salads
Least Favorite Food: Nattou (fermented soybeans
Favorite Gem stone: Amber
Favorite Subject: Physical Education
Least Favorite subject: modern japanese
Has trouble with: confessing
Strong points: racing
Dream: to become a racer
Height: 5'8"
Special Item: Tailsman: Space Sword
Special Attack: Space Sword Blaster
"With The Blessings Of Neptune, The Planet Of The Sea, Scout Of The Ocean, I Am Sailor Neptune!"
Name: Kaiou Michiru (Michelle)
Name meaning: Full, King of the Ocean
Mother Star Castle: Triton Castel Of Neptune
Birthday: March 6
Blood Type: O
Favorite color: marine blue
Hobbies: collecting cosmetics
Favorite food: Sashimi
Least Favorite food: kikurage mushrooms
Favorite Gem Stone: aquamarine
Favorite subject: Music
Least Favorite subject: none
Has trouble with: sea cucumbers
Strong Points: violins
Dream: to be a violinist
Height: 5'4".
Special Item: Tailsman: Deep Aqua Mirror
Special Attack: Submarine Reflection
"With The Blessings Of Saturn, The planet Of Destruction,The Scout Of Silence, I Am Sailor Saturn!"
Name: Tomoe Hotaru (Hotaru)
Name Meaning: Glowing, of Earth
Mother Star Castle: Titan Castle Of Saturn
Birthday: January 6
Blood type: AB
Favorite color: purple
Hobby: reading, collecting lamps
Favorite food: japanese noddles
Least Favorite Food: milk (I know it's not a food)
Favorite Gem stone: fluorite
Favorite subject: World history
Least favorite subject: Pyshical Education
Has trouble with: marathons
Stong points: injury treatment
Dream: to be a doctor
Height (child): 3'9"
Special Item: Tailsman: Scilence Glave
Special Attack: Silence Glave Suprise
Forbidden Attack: Death Reborn Revolution (Used to destroy the universe)