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The Astriod Senshi & The Sailor Starlights
The Astroid Senshi & The Sailor Starlights are Senshi just like the others but they are special. The Astroid Senshi had a curse placed upon them by Queen Nepherena and were turned into the Amazoness Quartet. They are to Rini what the Inner Senshi are to Serena. The Starlights are mysterious Senshi who help out Serena during the end of the story.

"WIth The Protection Of The Four Astroids Of The Solar System, I Am Sailor Ceres!"
Name: Sailor Ceres (Cere Cere)
Favorite Color: Pink
Talent: Swinging on the trape
Special Item: None
Special Attack: None
Mini Bio: Cere Cere is the oldest, tallest and the leader of the Amazoness quartet. She rarely attacks, and perfers keeping an enemy through mirrors then giving attack orders. She is the decision maker.

"With The Protection Of The Four Astroids Of The Sailor System, I Am Sailor Pallas!"
Name: Sailor Pallas (Palla Palla)
Favorite Color: Blue
Talent: Great Balance, Rides Unicycles, and walks the tightrope.
Special Item: Magic Spheres
Special Attack: Hailstone Ball
Mini Bio: She is the seond born of the sisters, and also the shortest. She casts spells alot and is the one that turned the animals into the Amazon trio. She is the playful one.

"WIth The Protection Of The Four Astroids Of The Solar System, I Am Sailor Juno!"
Name: Sailor Juno (Jun Jun)
Favorite Color: Green
Talent: Breaths Fire and does handstands well
Special Item: Slingshot
Special Attack: Medicine Ball
Mini Bio: She is the next to youngest of the sisters. She is the most agressive, but she is the one who was first freed from the spell by Zirconia, with the help from Sailor Saturn.

"With The Protection Of The Four Astroids Of The Solar System, I Am Sailor Vestas!"
Name: Sailor Vestas (Ves-Ves)
Favorite Color: Bright Red
Talent: Doing tricks on horseback, and animal taming
Special Item: Whip
Special Attack: Steel Ball
Mini Bio: The youngest of the four sisters, and the most easily annoyed, it was Ves-Ves' idea to turn the fish, the hawk, and the tiger into the Amazon Trio.

"Surrounded By The Dark Denseness Of The Night, I Am Sailor Star Fighter!"
Name: Kou Seiya (Seiya)
Meaning: Light of the Star Arrow
Born: July 30
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Hair: Black
Eyes: Blue
Height: 5'5"
Blood Type: A
Favorite Colors: Bright Red
Likes: Usagi, the American Football (in Japan, just plain football is soccer) Club
Dislikes: Girls (??why??)
Favorite Food: Hamburgers
Least Favorite Foods: None
Favorite Animal: Chameleon
Favorite Gem: unknown
Favorite Subject: Physical Education
Least Favorite Subject: Literature
Good at: American football
Musical Responsibilities: Lead vocals, keyboard, writes lyrics, composes music
Special Attack: Star Serious Lazer

"The Angel Of Freedom Who Runs Freely, I Am Sailor Star Maker!"
Name: Kou Taiki (Taiki)
Meaning: Light of the Big Air
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Hair: Dark brown
Eyes: Purple
Height: 6'2"
Blood Type: AB
Favorite Colors: Brown, earth tones
Likes: Reciting poetry
Dislikes: Arguments
Favorite Food: Sushi
Least Favorite Food: none
Favorite Animal: none
Favorite Gem: unknown
Favorite Subject: Literature
Least Favorite Subject: none
Good At: Reciting poetry, school
Musical Responsibilities: Plays Keyboard, writes songs
Special Attack: Star Gentle Uterus

Bringint The Secret Maternal Movement Away From Death, I Am Sailor Star Healer!"
Name: Kou Yaten (Yaten)
Meaning: Light of the Night Sky
Born: February 8
Zodiac: Aquarius
Hair: Silver
Eyes: Yellow-green
Height: 5'0"
Blood Type: B
Favorite Colors: Sky blue
Likes: Taking pictures
Dislikes: Physical exertion
Favorite Foods: Caviar
Least Favorite Foods: None
Favorite Animal: Cats
Favorite Gem: unknown
Favorite Subject: Art
Least Favorite Subject: Home Ec.
Good At: Art, picking on people, being grouchy
Musical Responsibilities: Keyboard arrangement
Special Attack: Star Sensitive Inferno